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Orca Appliance Services

Appliance Repair 

Orca Appliance Services offers appliance repair services in Edmonds, Lynnwood, Bellevue, Seattle, and the surrounding communities near you. We offer refrigerator repair, stove repair, dishwasher repair, washer repair, and much more. Give us a call today or schedule a callback and one of our appliance repair technicians will give you a call.

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Appliance Repair Near Me.

At Orca Appliance Services, we are your trusted home appliance repair specialists. We offer appliance repair for all makes and models of refrigerators, freezers, ovens, stoves, washers, dryers, dishwashers, dryer vents, cooktops, and more. Our team is factory trained, and equipped with the tools and parts to get your appliance fixed in no time. From scheduled appliance repairs, to emergency repairs, Orca Appliance Services is here for you.

Appliance Repair In The Greater Seattle Area.

Orca Appliance Services

Orca Appliance Services is Edmonds, WA fastest appliance repair service!

Orca Appliance Services technicians are trained on every make, model, and year of your appliance repair!

Orca Appliance Services is family owned and operated, and treats our customers like family.

Orca Appliance Services offers a 90 day labor warranty on all of our appliance repairs.


Orca Appliance Services - Our Reviews

Orca Appliance Services prides itself on providing quality appliance repair services - but don't take our word for it, let our 90+ 5 star reviews speak for us! This involved a variety of appliance repairs, including refrigerator repair, stove repair, washer repair, and much more.

Appliance Repair Process

At Orca Appliance Services, we truly strive to make your appliance repair as quick, thorough, and comprehensive as possible. Our appliance repair technicians are committed to quality, and stand behind their work with a 90 day labor warranty on everything we do. From start to finish, our appliance repair process is simple - its just 4 steps!


Step 1 : Call Orca Appliance Services.

The moment your appliance breaks, give Orca Appliance Services a call. Our team is onsite as soon as possible, and is trained to get your appliances back up and running in no time.


Step 2 : Appliance Diagnosis

Our appliance technician arrives and performs a diagnosis of the issue, damaged parts and components, and reviews the repair and replacement options with you.


Step 3 : Appliance Repair

Once the homeowner and appliance repair technician come to an agreement, Orca Appliance Services performs the appliance repair and gets your appliance back online.


Step 4 : Final Review And Testing

Before completing the job, our appliance repair technician goes through the work completed, demonstrates the repair, and addresses any remaining questions or concerns.

Orca Appliance Services

Serving Edmonds and the Seattle area with reliable appliance repair services.

Phone Number: 425-230-3534




Address: 166411 48th Ave W Unit A2, Edmonds, WA 98026


Hours: Mon - Sun: 8AM - 7PM


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