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Memphis Physical Therapy

Feel Better
Move Better
Perform Better

Performance Physical Therapy
for Active Lifestyles
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You don't have to keep wondering why you're in pain or why it hasn't gone away. 



We can help you understand what's going on and exactly what to do about it.  

Understand Your Pain

Gain Confidence in Your Body

Feel Stronger & More Mobile

Stay Active in Your Sport

Get a Long-Term Plan for the Future 

Are You Experiencing... 

Recent Injury or New Pain
Limitations Holding You Back from Athletic Performance
Chronic Unresolved Issues

Life is too short to live in pain.

We know how frustrating it is to live with pain that interferes with the active lifestyle you want and distracts you from what you enjoy.  

What's even worse is when it keeps coming back and never fully resolves... leaving you feeling helpless and confused.  

Too many people are stuck in an endless cycle of rushed appointments and medications & injections that never truly solve the issue. 


You don't have to be worried about aggressive medications, surgery, and feeling like your body is broken. 

Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

We believe your body is resilient and capable of healing with the right plan. 

You're not broken, and you deserve more. 

Here's How It Works


Feel Better 

Your Doctor will spend 60 minutes assessing you to determine the underlying reasons why you're in pain and how to calm your symptoms. 


Move Better

Together we'll come up with a game plan that will focus on building the capacity and coordination needed for your lifestyle and workouts.  


Perform Better

Build strength, confidence, & resilience for the longterm.  We'll show you how to keep improving so that you can live life on your terms without fear of pain. 

Bill's Story with 901PT

Hear how Bill healed from a back injury and regained confidence that his body can handle anything that his sport and life throws his way! 

What Other People in Memphis Are Saying About 901PT
Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

This place changes everything I thought about the body! For years I’ve struggled with back pain, had 2 surgeries, and still didn’t get any better.


After working with them, I am now doing compound lifts and doing CrossFit. Before I could only squat 95lbs and now I’m squatting 225 pain-FREE! I HIGHLY encourage anybody that is struggling with injuries to go see them! They are absolutely amazing!

- Bethany 

Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

"I had knee surgery - replacing cartilage. The by-product of the surgery was terrible sciatica nerve pain.


I could not walk more than 20 yards without having to stop and sit down or lean against something.


I'm finally back to running again and would have never made it back without 901PT.

- Ted 

Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

"901PT truly changed my life.


I learned to view my body not as weak, fragile, and incapable of movement, but rather as strong, resilient, and capable of healing through safe movement. 


 The level of attention and care I received at 901PT went far beyond my expectations and I’d recommend them to anyone seeking long-term relief from chronic pain."


- Marissa 

Many people come to us discouraged and feeling doubtful about real change.

If you've tried physical therapy in the past and it wasn't what you were hoping for, we guarantee that working with
901 Physical Therapy will be a completely different kind of experience.

We promise to invest the time and patience it takes to give you answers and a plan for long-term results. We work with people of all ages and can help you with specific strategies for staying active long term. 
Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

We partner with local Memphis gyms and businesses by providing free education to empower their people to stay active.

Can't Stop Endurance Memphis running group
Shed Fitness Memphis logo
Victory Bicycle Shop Memphis logo
Crossfit Blackbuck Memphis logo
Hot Yoga Plus Memphis logo
Core collective Broad Memphis logo
symmetry taylor somerville memphis logo



"This place changed everything I thought about the body!" - Bethany

The Kinds Of People We Help

Marathon Runners - Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

RUNNERS us because we identify why they're hurting and help them keep running

Weight lifters - Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

WEIGHT LIFTERS us because we help them keep progressing in their training without pain

Crossfitters - Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

CROSSFITTERS us because we help them refine their lifts without pain

Triathletes - Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

TRIATHLETES us because we can help them be prepared for the race 

Teen Athletes - Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

TEEN ATHLETES us because we keep them active in their sport

Busy Adults - Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

BUSY ADULTS us because we help them fulfill their obligations without being distracted by pain

Hurried appointments and quick fixes won't solve your pain in the long run.  

If you're ready to tackle the problem and deal with it once and for all, we'll guide you through the process step-by-step.

Here's how our 3-Step Process Works: 

Treatment That Works

 1. Understand Your Pain

 We'll start with a thorough assessment to understand your body and listen to your concerns.  We'll tell you what it's going to take to achieve your goals and agree upon a customized plan forward.  

Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

2. Stick to the Plan

A comprehensive treatment plan will include regular appointments and an at-home exercise plan.   Our mutual commitment to the plan will ensure that you make consistent progress and reach your goals.  

Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

3. Crush your Goals! 

With a consistent focus on education, strength, and mobility, you'll overcome your injury and be able to tackle your performance goals! Whatever they are, we'll help you make it happen. 

Memphis Physical Therapy - 901 PT

Follow Us on Instagram

We're located in the at 3548 Walker Avenue, Memphis, 38111 

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