Maximizing your marketing effect through oversight, data interpretation, and accountability. Let's get started on your strategy for accelerating growth!

We are here for growth

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How the Conversation Starts

The Process

01 - Identify Gaps and Interpret Data
02 - Gain Insights and Actionable Strategy
03 - Implementation in Sprints
04 - Review, Iterate and Grow

Who you will be working with:

About me

        Brent is a PhD student who thinks critically about real data that affects cash flow to your business. No more marketing analytics and terminology for agencies to hide behind. Working with Brent allows you to develop ongoing strategy to keep your third-party marketing teams accountable. He also works directly with small and mid-sized businesses. He is most skilled in developing overall strategy for implementation on your long-term business goals that may include specific revenue benchmarks or building towards a private equity exit.


This entire workflow is designed with the C-suite individual in mind. Too many times strong businesses churn through excessive cash reservoirs with promises of growth that fall short.

Working with a growth and content strategist like Brent is force-multiplier for the results you are still hoping to achieve. With working alongside Brent, you have access to a catalog of technical skills to tell the difference between signal and what's just noise in your marketing plan.

Get clear and carve out a path forward for developing your brand strategy for B2B or B2C audiences, optimizing your existing ad spend, penetrating new audiences, SEO, and more!

Some Concepts

If you are looking to guide your business into new levels of growth, working alongside a strategist who can not only help make sense of the way forward, turn the interpretation of data into implementation, and help you manage the whole process, here are some concepts to consider: