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Goldstein Dental Center

Come experience the sheer ecstasy of being treated by an accomplished cosmetic dentist at an award-winning Atlanta dental center. From gorgeous dental implants, dental veneers, cosmetic bonding, crowns and bridges you’ll fall in love with your beautiful new smile.

Welcoming New Dental Patients

The Goldstein Dental Center is conveniently located on Roswell Road in northeast metro Atlanta and serves patients from NE Atlanta, Buckhead, Brookhaven, Sandy Springs and Dunwoody, Georgia.

sandy springs dentist
atlanta dental center

Emergency Dental Care

If you are in pain or experiencing a dental emergency please call now. We are dedicated to getting patients out of pain and will begin treatment the same day!

The Goldstein Dental Team

Finding the best local dentist for your unique situation in a large city like Atlanta is stressful. The good news is that stress ends the moment you are welcomed into our elegant and state of the art dental center. You’ll know that you made the right choice as we cater to your every need and concern.

We pride ourselves on making you feel welcome and comfortable!

Following his training by the most highly-regarded cosmetic dentist in Atlanta for eleven years, Dr. Goldstein founded the Goldstein Dental Center in 1996. Since then, he has earned a reputation for creating the best-looking smiles.

atlantas most artistic cosmetic dentist


An artist who practices cosmetic dentistry is most inherently proficient at performing esthetic dental procedures which require a nuanced perception of facial features, including smile makeovers, full mouth restorations, dental veneers, dental implants, dental crowns and bridgework, and cosmetic bonding.

artistic sandy springs dentist
most artistic cosmetiic dentist

Atlanta’s top cosmetic dentist, Dr. Cary Goldstein, is also a renowned artist!

When it is not on display at an art exhibit, Dr. Goldstein’s art can be seen throughout his office.

When was the last time someone complimented your smile?

Let’s make that happen! Schedule your appointment now!

goldstein books on cosmetic dentistry

At Goldstein Dental Center you’ll appreciate the self-confidence and compliments you will receive having the best looking dental implants, dental veneers and cosmetic bonding. We also offer both ceramic and porcelain crowns and bridges as well as the most-effective teeth whitening in Atlanta.

Sedation Dentistry

Patients made nervous by the sight of dental instruments, or the sound of the dentist’s drill are instantly relieved to discover the benefits of sedation dentistry at the Goldstein Dental Center. Our patients call it martini dentistry because sedation dentistry replaces fear with serenity. No matter what you call it, those made uneasy by a trip to a dentist receive oral sedatives and relaxants such as nitrous oxide “laughing gas”.

But sedation dentistry at the Goldstein Dental Center is more than eliminating patient anxiety; it also encompasses distractions from listening to your favorite music or escaping into a TV show or movie. The main thing to know is that sedation dentistry ensures your maximum comfort while undergoing restorative and cosmetic dental procedures. After all, the more confidently a patient receives dental treatment the better the results will be and the faster the healing can begin. Since there is nothing to fear at the Goldstein Dental Center, let’s schedule your appointment now!

The Perfect Smile

The self-assurance of a perfect smile is intoxicating! The reactions perfect smiles deliver improves lives, careers, even fortunes. Imagine how much further you will go in life and how much more joy you will experience in love with your brand-new irresistible smile. And the best part is with proper oral hygiene, your new perfect Goldstein Dental Center smile will last a lifetime. Restoring your smile with dental veneers or dental implants truly is the most rewarding investment you will ever make.

At Goldstein Dental Center, we provide premier dental care tailored your every desire. We utilize the most technically advanced equipment and practice the latest dental procedures with the highest-quality materials. Dr. Goldstein is an accomplished dentist, who effectively treats the most complex dental issues on a daily basis. Whether you are seeking dental prosthetics for restorative or cosmetic reasons, our highly-experienced friendly team is trained and ready to create your perfect smile that will last a lifetime.